
Saturday, March 15, 2025

Thursday, March 13, 2025

She Was Selfish


Yesterday. It was late afternoon, and I was working on the computer in my office at home.  Mistress K. was in hers, and I heard her finishing up for the day.  She came into my office and tapped me on the shoulder.  I turned to face her, and she said, "Stand up".  I did.  I was naked (I am required to be nude at all times in our house).  We embraced while she groped my naked body and cage.  I was kissing her neck when she told me she was going to get into the shower and then start dinner.  She likes to make dinner.  

After her shower, she did things in front of the mirror that ladies do when they get out of the shower.  Then ... she called for me.  I went to her, and she grabbed my hand and led me to the bed.  Without hesitation, she laid on her back and opened her legs, inviting me to her.  I got on and immediately positioned myself in between her legs and began kissing her face and neck while gently grinding my cage on her.  She immediately said no and pushed me down her body.  She wanted my mouth on her beautiful, smoothly shaved, delicious pussy.

I was in heaven, as I always am when I am allowed (or instructed) to pleasure my Wife with my mouth.  I was in subspace because there was no discussion or build-up, just her command.  It was wonderful. Then she told me to get her vibrator.  While I turned to open the nightstand drawer, she got on her knees, face down ass up and told me to worship her asshole.  My cage has hardly ever been so tested. After several minutes of worshipping her ass, she turned on the vibrator and quickly had several orgasms.  She ordered me off the bed and told me to stand there and take her in visually.  She pressed every button.  I'm hard as a rock (in my cage) just writing this.

I fucking love you, my Queen.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

She Wore It Around The House

In previous posts, like this one and others, I've talked about how my sexual desires have evolved over the years.  In particular, the effect of being caged 24/7/365 (mostly) has had on what things I crave.  I will never not crave being uncaged and having a full erection, crawling in between my beautiful wives open legs, inserting my penis and being allowed to just fuck her until I cum, without needing to ask permission.  That's happened once in the last ten years and isn't very likely in the next 10, but I still crave it.  I'm not complaining.  In fact, my sex life with Mistress K. is more rewarding now than at any time since we met.  

But now, I also crave being fucked to orgasm by Mistress K.  The above picture is very apt in our house.

I had read about the suggestion that Dominant Wives who peg their husbands should wear their harness and dildo around the house, during normal activities, during 'normal business hours'. It was suggested that it will benefit the Dominant Wife by allowing her to become accustomed to how it feels physically during normal, non-pegging activities, thereby allowing her to wield it better, with more comfort and familiarity.  Another suggestion was that she could begin to experience the confidence building effect of moving, walking and have the cock, knowing what it's intended purpose is.  Penetration of her submissive.  

No question walking into her bedroom and seeing like this takes me right to subspace and makes my heart race like a girl who knows (and is excited about) that she is about to get fucked.  My evolution has brought me to a similar feeling.

The other night, unbeknownst to me, while I was preparing dinner (naked, of course) and after Mistress K. said she was going to put her "jammies" on, she emerged wearing her strap on harness boy shorts and the dildo she usually fucks me with.  She informed me that she was going to wear it until she went to bed (so about 4 hours) because she thought it seemed like a good idea.

I was beyond excited.  I just froze and looked at her, soaking it all in.  She seemed a little nervous about it at first, and after she asked me if I was all right, I said more than all right and walked over to where she was standing.  I knelt in front of her, her cock right in my face and all I could say was thank you.  She smiled big, and at that moment, any apprehension or nervousness faded immediately.  I asked her if I could kiss it, and she said, "Of course, baby". She put her hand on the back of my hand and gently pulled me toward her cock.  I placed numerous kisses on her cock until she said, "That's enough now.  Finish dinner."  I asked her if I could put it in mouth and said "No".  She has a thing against seeing me with a cock in my mouth and I knew that but took a chance anyway.  I really wanted to suck her cock.  I got up and returned to the stove to finish dinner.  "There will be no sexy time tonight.  This is about me getting used to having a cock.  Understand?"  "Yes Mistress."

She wore it for the rest of the night while we watched our show.  When was getting tired, she went to the bathroom to begin the ritual that women go through to get ready for sleep.  I walked in a few minutes later to see her going through that ritual, still wearing her cock.  It was so sexy.  So hot.  I was in subspace the entire night and into the following morning.  When I delivered her coffee in bed like I do every day, I knelt beside the bed and thanked her sincerely and profusely.  She smiled and said that she enjoyed it and that we will be doing it some more.

Ain't she the best?

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Back to Being Naked


For the past few weeks, we've had many visitors, and reasons why we couldn't practice our regular routine of me being required to be naked in our home when we are alone.  

This past week, however, we've been alone in our home, and I have been naked, wearing only my cage, the entire time.  Well almost.  We've had the occasional visitor and occasional need to get the mail, take the dog out to pee, etc., but for the most part, I've been in my natural, required state when in the presence of Mistress K.

When I return from being out of the house, I am required to become naked immediately.  I walk to wherever Mistress K. is in the house and, without being told, immediately remove my clothes in her presence.  I stand there naked until I am dismissed. Most of the time, it is in her office, and sometimes, she is on the phone.  When that happens, I must wait until she is finished before being dismissed.

I didn't know how much we both have both missed being alone in the house together.

Sometimes, she will inspect me.  Sometimes, she will simply flick her hand to dismiss me.  Either way, there is just something special about the ritual of becoming naked for her, in her presence.  

Who knows, maybe someday, Mistress K. will decide to expand our horizons.  That would be great.  I would love to make her proud.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Prostate Massage

Prostate massage is underrated and so very important.  For many reasons.  Especially as men get older ... like me.  I won't get preachy about it because I'm not a doctor, and I'll leave all that to the experts.  Suffice it to say, it's essential.

Some years ago, soon after my orgasms were reduced to 2-3 times per year, I was subject to a monthly milking schedule.  It was the first Tuesday of every month.  Even though our intentions were good in setting a schedule, real life got in the way too often, as it sometimes does, so we eventually abandoned the scheduled milkings.  We purchased an Aneros Prostate massager, identical to the one picture above.

These pictures are representative of how they work.  When we were first using it, we were doing it all wrong.  We never read the instructions, we just got right after it and manually manipulated it after it was inserted.  It kind of worked but not very well, and soon we tired of it.

Recently, Mistress K. and I have begun to refocus on my prostate at the suggestion of a doctor.  In particular, prostate massage.  Earlier in the day on Valentines's Day, Mistress had mentioned that she had something particular in mind for sex later.  I didn't know what would be expected of me until that evening.  On this day, Mistress decided to dust off the old Aneros massager and give it another go because it was her intention to give me a thorough prostate massage.  This time, though, she decided to read the directions.  It was a game-changer.  Turns out that the massager is designed to be used hands-free.  In other words, don't grab and move it around to try and massage the prostate.    Instead, it is designed to be inserted and manipulated ONLY by flexing and unflexing the sphincter muscles.  So that's what we did.  Already naked and caged in our home as I am required to be, she ordered my to the floor and on my back.  

She sat on the floor between my legs and pushed them apart.  She inserted a finger to get the party started.  She was tender, loving and commanding.  I immediately fell into subspace and laid back and started to relish in the feeling.  Then, she inserted the Aneros and told me about how to use it. I was to only use my sphincter muscles to manipulate the device.  Withing a minute or two, it began to feel fucking amazing.  She enjoyed being able to sit back and watch as I massaged my own prostate.  She was fascinated and loved every minute of it.  I even commented about how regular milkings would be so much easier for her because she really did have to do anything but tell me to do it.  

The whole scene was incredible.  Being already in subspace, I just kept going deeper and deeper and just lost in what was happening.  Being witnessed in such a vulnerable position, essentially fucking myself and being encouraged by the love of my life.  It was just so amazing.

One of the things that happens to a man that is caged 24/7/365 (mostly) is that eventually, your cock no longer is the center of attention in your own mind when it comes to seeking sexual satisfaction.  That being the case and with what was happening, I became desperate for Mistress K. to fuck me.  I asked her, then begged her to fuck me.  My man pussy was my sole source of sexual desire at that moment.  Being caged can make you forget you even have a cock. 

I was ordered to not stop with my newly found prostate massage exercise when she got and said she need to go to the bathroom.  She returned a few minutes, still fully dressed, wearing her strap on harness and my favorite cock that she uses to fuck me with.  

She fucked me good.  For a long time.  In several positions.  Started with missionary and then she turned me over and fucked me like the picture above.  She fucked on my side with one leg pulled up and she fucked cowgirl style with me on top.  It was glorious.  It was the most sensuous fucking I have ever received.  In the end, it was transformational love-making more than fucking.  

She was really into it and said for the first time she felt she knew what it was like to have a cock.  It was transformational for her too.  Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and ended it so I could put my strap on harness on and fuck her good.  It was fucking amazing.

Right after I inserted her favorite, big dildo inside her, she let out a moan and said, "I admit it, I love a big cock".  It didn't take her long to have several deep, amazing orgasms. until she was spent.  I was ordered off of her, told to bring her a glass of wine and to clean up the house.

I did not have my orgasm.  Like always, she has our orgasms for us, for which I thank her profusely.  Even though i did not cum, it was the most amazing mutual fucking session we have ever had.  

Then we ordered Chinese food and watched a movie.

Happy Valentine's day!