
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Prostate Massage

Prostate massage is underrated and so very important.  For many reasons.  Especially as men get older ... like me.  I won't get preachy about it because I'm not a doctor, and I'll leave all that to the experts.  Suffice it to say, it's essential.

Some years ago, soon after my orgasms were reduced to 2-3 times per year, I was subject to a monthly milking schedule.  It was the first Tuesday of every month.  Even though our intentions were good in setting a schedule, real life got in the way too often, as it sometimes does, so we eventually abandoned the scheduled milkings.  We purchased an Aneros Prostate massager, identical to the one picture above.

These pictures are representative of how they work.  When we were first using it, we were doing it all wrong.  We never read the instructions, we just got right after it and manually manipulated it after it was inserted.  It kind of worked but not very well, and soon we tired of it.

Recently, Mistress K. and I have begun to refocus on my prostate at the suggestion of a doctor.  In particular, prostate massage.  Earlier in the day on Valentines's Day, Mistress had mentioned that she had something particular in mind for sex later.  I didn't know what would be expected of me until that evening.  On this day, Mistress decided to dust off the old Aneros massager and give it another go because it was her intention to give me a thorough prostate massage.  This time, though, she decided to read the directions.  It was a game-changer.  Turns out that the massager is designed to be used hands-free.  In other words, don't grab and move it around to try and massage the prostate.    Instead, it is designed to be inserted and manipulated ONLY by flexing and unflexing the sphincter muscles.  So that's what we did.  Already naked and caged in our home as I am required to be, she ordered my to the floor and on my back.  

She sat on the floor between my legs and pushed them apart.  She inserted a finger to get the party started.  She was tender, loving and commanding.  I immediately fell into subspace and laid back and started to relish in the feeling.  Then, she inserted the Aneros and told me about how to use it. I was to only use my sphincter muscles to manipulate the device.  Withing a minute or two, it began to feel fucking amazing.  She enjoyed being able to sit back and watch as I massaged my own prostate.  She was fascinated and loved every minute of it.  I even commented about how regular milkings would be so much easier for her because she really did have to do anything but tell me to do it.  

The whole scene was incredible.  Being already in subspace, I just kept going deeper and deeper and just lost in what was happening.  Being witnessed in such a vulnerable position, essentially fucking myself and being encouraged by the love of my life.  It was just so amazing.

One of the things that happens to a man that is caged 24/7/365 (mostly) is that eventually, your cock no longer is the center of attention in your own mind when it comes to seeking sexual satisfaction.  That being the case and with what was happening, I became desperate for Mistress K. to fuck me.  I asked her, then begged her to fuck me.  My man pussy was my sole source of sexual desire at that moment.  Being caged can make you forget you even have a cock. 

I was ordered to not stop with my newly found prostate massage exercise when she got and said she need to go to the bathroom.  She returned a few minutes, still fully dressed, wearing her strap on harness and my favorite cock that she uses to fuck me with.  

She fucked me good.  For a long time.  In several positions.  Started with missionary and then she turned me over and fucked me like the picture above.  She fucked on my side with one leg pulled up and she fucked cowgirl style with me on top.  It was glorious.  It was the most sensuous fucking I have ever received.  In the end, it was transformational love-making more than fucking.  

She was really into it and said for the first time she felt she knew what it was like to have a cock.  It was transformational for her too.  Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and ended it so I could put my strap on harness on and fuck her good.  It was fucking amazing.

Right after I inserted her favorite, big dildo inside her, she let out a moan and said, "I admit it, I love a big cock".  It didn't take her long to have several deep, amazing orgasms. until she was spent.  I was ordered off of her, told to bring her a glass of wine and to clean up the house.

I did not have my orgasm.  Like always, she has our orgasms for us, for which I thank her profusely.  Even though i did not cum, it was the most amazing mutual fucking session we have ever had.  

Then we ordered Chinese food and watched a movie.

Happy Valentine's day!



  1. Oh wow, this was very hot and very interesting actually. I bought one of those things years ago (and I mean YEARS, like 15 years) and I have never, ever even trIed to use it. Sounds like I should try and find it!

    1. Thanks RA. Yeah ... find it! You'll be glad you did.

    2. Do you think you would be able to ruin just from the stimulation of it?

    3. Thanks, I found it... haven't tried it yet!

  2. Sorry for the delayed answer RA. YES! You can definitely ruin from it!

  3. Thank you!! Oh we have a few tits for his prostste, and I have been doing it wrong lol This is new to us and now I just learned thanks to this post. Can't wait till I get the change to use them correctly, especially the vibrating one. Looking very forward to reading more posts. Lynn from FLR

    1. So lovely to see you here, my new friend I made over at evolving Your Man. Thank you for stopping. I invite to poke around the site and please let me know if you have any questions or comments, good or bad.


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