In previous posts, like this one and others, I've talked about how my sexual desires have evolved over the years. In particular, the effect of being caged 24/7/365 (mostly) has had on what things I crave. I will never not crave being uncaged and having a full erection, crawling in between my beautiful wives open legs, inserting my penis and being allowed to just fuck her until I cum, without needing to ask permission. That's happened once in the last ten years and isn't very likely in the next 10, but I still crave it. I'm not complaining. In fact, my sex life with Mistress K. is more rewarding now than at any time since we met.
But now, I also crave being fucked to orgasm by Mistress K. The above picture is very apt in our house.
I had read about the suggestion that Dominant Wives who peg their husbands should wear their harness and dildo around the house, during normal activities, during 'normal business hours'. It was suggested that it will benefit the Dominant Wife by allowing her to become accustomed to how it feels physically during normal, non-pegging activities, thereby allowing her to wield it better, with more comfort and familiarity. Another suggestion was that she could begin to experience the confidence building effect of moving, walking and have the cock, knowing what it's intended purpose is. Penetration of her submissive.
No question walking into her bedroom and seeing like this takes me right to subspace and makes my heart race like a girl who knows (and is excited about) that she is about to get fucked. My evolution has brought me to a similar feeling.
The other night, unbeknownst to me, while I was preparing dinner (naked, of course) and after Mistress K. said she was going to put her "jammies" on, she emerged wearing her strap on harness boy shorts and the dildo she usually fucks me with. She informed me that she was going to wear it until she went to bed (so about 4 hours) because she thought it seemed like a good idea.
I was beyond excited. I just froze and looked at her, soaking it all in. She seemed a little nervous about it at first, and after she asked me if I was all right, I said more than all right and walked over to where she was standing. I knelt in front of her, her cock right in my face and all I could say was thank you. She smiled big, and at that moment, any apprehension or nervousness faded immediately. I asked her if I could kiss it, and she said, "Of course, baby". She put her hand on the back of my hand and gently pulled me toward her cock. I placed numerous kisses on her cock until she said, "That's enough now. Finish dinner." I asked her if I could put it in mouth and said "No". She has a thing against seeing me with a cock in my mouth and I knew that but took a chance anyway. I really wanted to suck her cock. I got up and returned to the stove to finish dinner. "There will be no sexy time tonight. This is about me getting used to having a cock. Understand?" "Yes Mistress."
She wore it for the rest of the night while we watched our show. When was getting tired, she went to the bathroom to begin the ritual that women go through to get ready for sleep. I walked in a few minutes later to see her going through that ritual, still wearing her cock. It was so sexy. So hot. I was in subspace the entire night and into the following morning. When I delivered her coffee in bed like I do every day, I knelt beside the bed and thanked her sincerely and profusely. She smiled and said that she enjoyed it and that we will be doing it some more.
Ain't she the best?
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