"Punishments are a very effective tool in a FLR. In fact, I would say a punishment is very powerful when done right. Punishing your husband is essential for keeping the FLR strong. When you administer a punishment, it lets him know there are consequences for bad behavior and it also brings a fierce reality to his submission to you. When he faces the consequences doled out by you, it sends a clear message that this is not all fantasy and that you have authority over him. In my opinion, when you punish your husband and he accepts it, it has a real effect on his psyche which elevates your authority over him and pushes him deeper into submission to you."
- Mz Kaylee - Femdom Think Tank - November 29, 2017

Most people will agree that the best time to administer an earned punishment is right NOW. Right when the infraction occurs. As much as that might be preferable, it's not always feasible in a WLM/FLR with kids in the house. I mean really, who wants to explain to the kids what that sound was coming from the bedroom? So what to do?
Mistress K. will usually tell me that I have a punishment spanking coming when there is time AND the privacy to properly administer the spanking, without the prying ears in the house. That works out pretty well. But there are times when she feels the need to immediately administer punishment, and when that happens ... it's off to the closet.
We're lucky in that we have a large walk-in closet with a door, that is at the opposite end of the bedroom door, on the far end of the house. She will point and i now to go into the bedroom, turn on the TV to drown out the noise, go into the closet, retrieve her paddle and then lower my pants. A swift dose of justice and we are done. Often times, Mistress will tell me that the "quickie" punishment she just gave doesn't count as the full punishment, which will come when we have the house to ourselves.
Lately though, Mistress K. was inspired by a recent blog post my Mz. Kaylee from Femdom Think Tank where she describes the need for immediate, silent punishment which comes in the form of corner time. Corner time in this house means, go into the bedroom, lower my pants to bare my bottom and stand or kneel in the corner until she has decided that I had enough. It sucks! I'd much rather endure the 5-10 minutes of my butt being reddened than spending 10-30 minutes in a corner.
This post was inspired by an email I received from a reader named Mark. Nice guy. Seems he and his girlfriend have been in a FLR for 3 or so years and are about to move in together, and are looking for creative ways to be able to administer immediate punishment while there are kids in the house, and are looking for ideas to accomplish that. Other than what I said above, i don't have any other ideas. Do you? I'd love to hear them and so would Mark and his girlfriend.
Thanks for stopping by. As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts, comments and questions.