Monday, November 9, 2015

Milking Day

it's the second Monday of the month.  That means it's milking day in my house.  I have been instructed to wear my butt plug during the day.  I don't know if that is a precursor to my milking, or if Mistress K. is just teasing me into thinking it might.

Our lives in our house have been VERY busy recently and as such, Mistress K. and I have had very little time/ability to be together let alone be Mistress and submissive together.

Looking forward to some quality time with Mistress tonight!


  1. Perhaps your Mistress will use this month's occasion to implement a consume what you produce rule.

    Mistress A.

    1. Hi anonymous Mistress A. Thank you as always for stopping by and saying hello. I appreciate your desire to refine the FLM with my Mistress K. I'll pass along your advice as always. *smile

      Seriously though, I really do appreciate it when you stop by.

  2. Hi sub hub, sorry that you didn't have enough of that sort of quality time recently. Wishing you a wonderful evening with all that makes both of you happy.



    1. Hi Ni Na,

      Thanks for your sentiments. Mistress K. and I also wish we had more intimate time together, but we know we will. We also know that this time being spent with our babies is something that is only temporary, and we don't mind relishing it.

      Thank you for you constant support. I appreciate you very much!

  3. Hi sub hub, hope you have a wonderful night and reconnection :)


  4. It's now Tue. and I hope by now you had a good milking and reconnection. I agree with Mistress A maybe she will have you consume what you produce.

    1. Always trying, isn't she? Not surprisingly, Mistress K. did not use this month's occasion to institute that policy.

      Thanks a s always buddy!


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