Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Orgasms ... and the lack thereof

I will start this post off by saying two things ....  1.  I haven't had a full orgasm since October of last year, with only 3 ruined orgasms since;  and  2.  I am not at all complaining about that fact.

In fact, after our latest incredibly sexy session

while I was telling Mistress K. thank you and that we had been to a couple places together that we hadn't been to before, I made the comment that although my orgasms are now few and far between during the past 18 months or so, the sex I have been lucky enough to be allowed to have has been beyond incredible.  I've been thinking about this ever since we discussed it.  Thinking about how unlikely it is that I would ever be able to explain to someone outside the realm of understanding the basic dynamics of a FLM, what an incredible and sexually satisfying ride it has been.  They'd never believe it .... because they wouldn't be able to.  My beautiful, skilled Mistress Wife seems to know exactly when her devoted, submissive husband should be allowed (or required) to orgasm, be it ruined or full.  In fact, Mistress K. was so in tuned to having conditioned me to restricted orgasm that when we were in the hottest part of our recent incredible sex, Mistress warned me that she was going to ruin me that day.  there was no asking, no negotiating, just a statement of fact from my Mistress of how my sex was going to conclude.
Have I mentioned before that I love ruined orgasms?  yeah, I'm pretty sure I have.

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I guess to illustrate my feelings about this, here I am writing a post about how my orgasms are so few and far between .... and .... I'm hard as a rock.  Makes me really want to ................

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Or ........

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It's a little more incredible and less satisfying of a ruined orgasm when Mistress takes me there with ZERO direct stimulation to my penis.  I wonder what it's like to entirely own the sex of someone that you love and lust for so deeply.  I'm hoping it's as incredible as having someone that you love and lust for deeply, owning it completely.

I love you Mistress.


  1. I apologize for this possibly completely ignorant question. But, what is a ruined orgasm as opposed to a full orgasm?

    You certainly sound satisfied, I was just curious what the difference was?

    1. Thank you for your comment and your good question. If you don't know, I appreciate it very that you would ask.

      A ruined orgasm for a man is be brought to very edge of an orgasm, usually by direct stimulation of the penis, and then right before an orgasm is obtained and after it is too late to prevent ejaculation, all stimulation is stopped. By doing this, ejaculation occurs but no orgasm is had by the male. The benefit of a ruined orgasm is that the man sexual desire does not wane and therefore he is more attentive after.

      I hope that helps.

      Thanks again.

    2. Thank you very much for clarifying that for me. I didn't realize that such a thing was possible, but I'm sure very effective.

      It sounds both frustrating and amazing at the same time. I am happy that you found someone who knows what you need so well. It's a wonderful feeling to have that connection with someone. Even if others may not understand it.

      Thanks again for the explanation.

    3. My pleasure CollaredMom. The relationship benefits that come from ruined orgasms, or rather ... orgasm control are an incredibly untapped source of happiness for many couples that may otherwise find their marriage lacking in passion. I doesn't have to necessarily be in the context of a Female Led Marriage, but it certainly help. I am dominant in all aspects of life except for one of the most important aspects ... my marriage. We have never been closer, we never argue and my constant state of true desire is helpful in being what I have always wanted to be with my wife since the moment i fell in love with her .... attentive.

      Thank you again for your comments and your question.

  2. I am impressed how well she is controlling your orgasms to make you feel submissive as she continues to make you feel her power over you.Be curious what she has planned next.


    1. Thank you FD for being impressed. That's high praise regarding Mistress K.'s skills. I am always excitedly curious about what each new day will bring with her.

  3. Great pics s.h.i.p.
    Especially the top one, that lady pops up in a lot of ruined orgasm vids (as I'm sure you know...). She's like a ruined orgasm black belt or something.... hahaha.
    One thing I meant to say before, I have in the past got very confused with your blog and Rooster's, because you both use the same blog design... it was very confusing, but I think I'm getting the hang of it now.

    1. Thanks so much R_A and holy shit, thanks for the shout out on your blog. What a nice honor.

      I agree, I don't know who that woman is but I agree, ruined orgasm sensei! In this context, there is something about her that is incredibly sexy. I'm glad you're now able to make the distinction between this blog and rooster's. I know what you mean about the visual being the same. I make that mistake with others as well.

      I've said it before on your blog and now I'll say it on mine .... You have a great blog. Everyone ......... if you haven't already been over there, you must stop by his blog ( ). So much to do there. Videos, captions ........ there's a lot. You'll like it, I promise.

      Thank you again R_A for the kind words.

  4. Hi, I enjoy your blog and I like gaining new insights from your experiences and those of others who write about their relationships. As a novice in all things FLR, it is this dynamic around control of orgasms that I can't get my head around. It seems to be a core tenant around whether a FLR is real or play and seems to be deemed necessary to motivate the desired behaviours.

    I initiated our current dynamic and I have to say my wife has been reluctant to take the lead in our relationship any further. I know she enjoys the adoration, attention, peace and calm that has resulted. I also know she loves being waited on, has me to fetch and carry, buy small gifts of appreciation and to do the chores around the house. Sex is not a major dynamic in the relationship unfortunately. I can only fantasise about the type of session that you describe. Alas I don't have control.

    So I was wondering, what is it about orgasm control that I am missing, how does it change the dynamic, how does it deepen the relationship? Why is it considered necessary to motivate and create devotion?

    As I mentioned N is reluctant to lead so a lot of the dynamic is through my actions in meeting her wants and desires without her overt direction. I am trying very hard not to lead this but merely offer suggestions as to what N may like and to demonstrate how I can be of service. I am willing to self impose orgasm control as a way of demonstrating how N might integrate it into our dynamic. Just wondering what sage advice you could impart?

    Regards DtBHC

    1. dtbhc, thank you so much for the comment. I understand completely your situation and dilemma and I have thoughts on your comment that space doesn't allow here. If you have an interest in those comments, please email me using the link under "Contributors" at the bottom of the page. I'd love to chat with you if you'd like.

      In the meantime, think about this. You said you and FLR, yet you said "Alas I don't have control". Which side do you want to be on? She won't get there as long as you are "suggesting" and "demonstrating". It's a process and there is an evolution that needs to be allowed to happen naturally.

      In the meantime, if you don't already, I suggest you look at 2 blogs. One is Femdom 101 ( ) .... and the other is I'm Hers ( )

  5. Great pictures sub hub. I love the 3rd from last, the way she is watching is leak out and the slight smile she has.

    1. I'm with you on that one pal ............ That picture is the epitome of what a ruined orgasm looks like IMHO. As such, it is so very sexy.


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