Saturday, April 22, 2017

Getting caught up with each other

In a previous post here, I talked about some changes that were coming in our direction.  The extent and details of those changes was, at the time, remain-to-be-seen.  Last night Mistress and I had what a kind of late dinner opportunity.  We went to a lovely little restaurant, got little table outside ( the weather was Phoenix spectacular!!!) and we proceeded to talk about how things in our marriage were going. 

The details of our conversation were private and frankly, boring for the rest of you, but suffice it to say we did speak about two things that weren't urgent, but did command some attention.  In the previous referenced above, Mistress K. has spoken of changes that she would like to she in her "way of life", her "lifestyle".  We were able to talk a little about that and add some clarity. It seems that while watching 50 Shades of Grey recently (for the first time.  I still haven't seen it), Mistress K. had an epiphany.  It became clear(er) to her that the happiness and pleasure in life she seeks is, well, in her very hands.  I don't know what scene(s) or what context, but hearing those words from her where a dream come true .  I knew and we both talked about the transition that Mistress K. would have to make from being happily dutiful in her marriage, to being able to actually demand, expect and command the kind of pleasure and happiness in every moment of her life.  I believe we are in for a new chapter in our marriage and life together.  One filled with an even increased level of respect, joy, unquestioned love for each other, and a true understanding of the simple notion that me being in dutiful service to her, controlled by her, disciplined and trained by her, owned by her ..... is something that can truly be a source of happiness for me.  Her comfort in that knowledge I believe swings open the door of joy and pleasure in life that Mistress K. has yet to be able to experience.

The other thing we talked about was a lovely local FLR couple that we are currently in consideration and discussions to meet.  You may recall that in a different recent blog post here, I told Mistress K. that I wished we had actual real-life, FLM friends that we actually enjoyed because they were cool people and not just because we shared this thing in common.  She agreed that it would wonderful for us to be able to "be ourselves" in the presences of others ... in a way that we certainly cannot do in our vanilla lives.  Well .... a very nice man, a submissive husband in his own right, in a marriage that is very similar to the one Mistress K. and I enjoy, made an initial contact to let us know that they lived locally, had a pretty good idea that given the opportunity we could all mesh very well, and offered to begin a conversation about perhaps meeting and see if we all hit it off.  All with one goal in mind ... the genuine desire to meet and approval of the idea fro our respective wives.  Promising but like everything else, we'll see how it goes.

I'm excited about the future and where Mistress K. will led us to.  Should I be nervous too?  Not if I love my Wife like I say I do.


  1. That's wonderful! I'm glad someone got something good out of that awful, awful movie. :-)

    1. Hilarious Dan, that's exactly what she said. She watched it because, well she had always intended on watching it since it came out, and the opportunity presented itself. I haven't seen it myself, but your comment is not uncommon.

      Thanks for stopping by. I always appreciate hearing from you.

  2. It sounds like you are going down a new road. As far as the other couple go if you have enough outside interests you may just hit it off only time will tell. Good luck Sub Hub.

    1. I think we are going down a way better defined version of the road we have always been on. You're right, if this other turns out to be fun enough to capture our interest outside the common element of our lifestyle, then that would be super cool. Of course the same thing would go for them from their point of view ....

  3. This is awesome sub hub, glad you got to talk more about the changes Mistress K desires. I hope you do get to meet the other couple. It would be so great to be able to truly be yourselves in front of friends :)


    1. Hello sweetheart. The other night when I was reading the email exchanges to Mistress K. from the husband of this other couple, we reviewed a couple of posts and comments from this blog. When I came to you and your comments, I prefaced it by saying "Oh, and this is Roz. I love Roz! She is the sweetest thing ever and always so nice. You'd love her too Mistress"

  4. I think you *should* be nervous.

    After all, isn't it the delicious prodding of the "unknown" of what Mistress K. would ask of you that mixes with your constant desire to be owned and trained by her? Doesn't it deepen your sense of submission to her?

    "What's next?" has always been a source of amazing energy for me. One secret to a fulfilling life that I have found is that it is important that people put creative energy into ways of keeping things interesting. What that has meant to me is that while I might have an imaginary notion of what the an ideal situation is I know that if it were ever to occur that we would stagnate in those roles.

    As a submissive I understand the energy available to the Domme in keeping their sub in a state of suspense. You are very, very fortunate that Mistress K. seems to intuitively grasp that dynamic.

    So from one sub to another - be frightened - and enjoy! There's nothing for you to really fear in being owned be a woman who clearly loves you as much as Mistress K. does.

    1. Hello old friend. Maybe I should be nervous, but .... I'm not. I've thought it through ad I've come to the conclusion that any nervousness would have to be rooted in a fear that Mistress K. has a desire to take us in a direction that is outside my comfort level. I don't sense that is the case but rather that Mistress K. is merely finding her stride and intends to change the baseline dynamics of our relationship in all areas in such a way that would relieve any stress she might feel in having to "perform" adequately for me. Also I believe that intends to not worry so much about IF she is paying me the "right kind" of attention, or worry about when, how and how often she punishes me. She has already said that she intends to punish me more. Certainly when I deserve it but also whenever she feels like, just because she wants to ... because she enjoys it.

      I totally agree that the unknown is sexy, especially when being led by the woman I love and trust the most in my life. In the end, I only hope that our journey and destination, whatever it may, provides the only thing that matters to me ... comfort, pleasure and joy in her life .... whatever that may entail.

    2. The uncertainty concerning "what's about to happen" is one of the great weapons in the hands of a Dom, and actually quite a boon for the sub. Keeping a submissive in the dark as to just what path is going to be taken is so much more interesting than a cut and dried "routine", is it not? You're already feeling that tingle of the unknown, just waiting for the first shoe to drop and knowing that other shoes will undoubtedly follow. Kudos to Mistress K for knowing how to pull the strings:)

    3. Lady Grey, truer words were never spoken. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. The "tingle" of the unknown is lovely, no doubt about it, but to see Mistress K. really embrace her dominance and do so in such a way that will allow and enhance a pleasurable life, is just so rewarding too.

  5. Love your blog! Do you think you can add the widget thingy (or whatever it's called) that allows me to subscribe to your blog by entering my email? Netvibes and Yahoo feels pretty outdated? :)

    1. Thanks for the kind words Tony. I (think) I just added the feature that allows you follow by email. it's at the very bottom of the page.


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