Monday, September 8, 2014

Punishment - Well at least it's overwith

We are having record rain here in Phoenix today.  Chaos reigns as people try to make their way to school and work.  I took Mistress K. nearly an hour to get to the school and back, when it normally takes only 20 minutes, round trip.

While Mistress was gone, I was working and was mired in some drama at the office, completely immersed in my little world.  Mistress K. came home, and was doing various little things around the house when she came over to me while I was sitting in the chair, started kissing my neck.  It was awesome the way she was being all cute and flirty and attentive.  My first thought was Mistress wanted to resume the cock-therapy that took a hiatus over the weekend, and as such, my cock instantly became super hard.  Mistress K. had other plans.  She whispered something in my ear.  Can you guess what it was?

First I'll tell you what is wasn't.  It wasn't "mmmm, pet you are so sexy ... how about I let you masturbate to a full orgasm on my ass?"  No, it wasn't that.  It wasn't .... "how about we forget all about your little transgression yesterday of not having my coffee ready for me?"  No it wasn't that either.  What she did say made me break out in an immediate sweat.  She said  "why are your clothes still on?"  Yeah, that just happened.  I was so immersed in my own drama and the drama of the weather that I did not make sure I was naked upon Mistress K.'s return from taking the kids to school.  Her next words were even more ominous.  "Let's go take care of both punishments right now".

Mistress K. stood there and pointed to the ground, indicating where my shorts needed to be in a big hurry.  I lowered them immediately and began to try and talk Mistress out of punishing me on both accounts, to no avail.  She had me retrieve her pink leather paddle and had me follow her into the bathroom, where she had pulled out her vanity stool for my to lay across. Mistress delivered 30 lashes of the paddle for the coffee infraction yesterday and 20 lashes of the paddle for the "not being naked as required" infraction this morning.

They hurt .... especially the last 20!  Alas there is no picture of the aftermath.  Frankly, I forgot to ask Mistress to take a picture of it because I was too busy rubbing my red, sore ass.

The aftercare was wonderful as always and while kneeling naked, sweating and with a burning ass, I hugged Mistress and thanked her for my punishment.  I cherish the way we are together in aftercare.


  1. sorry. Those things can be so easy to forget when we get caught up in other things. I really like that there is that element of aftercare, when you know all is forgiven. And my ass can certainly sympathize as well. . At least it's over with now!

    1. Thanks little girl. I always appreciate your comments.

  2. Two punishments in a row can leave your bottom on fire for a couple of days. I don't have to be nude unless she orders it, but I'm only allowed to wear panties in the house. Maybe you need 20 more for forgetting to ask her to take a picture.

    1. I have to be honest, that my spankings don't leave my bottom on fire for that long archedone. I can't imagine the amount of energy and pain that must be endured for that to be the case. As far as needing 20 more for forgetting to ask, asking Mistress to take a picture of my reddened ass is not something that she necessarily wants. If I where to ask, it would be something I would be hopeful she would be willing to do .... so ... you know

  3. You don't seem to get it do you? If my husband continued to (mis)behave like you do he'd be subject to the strictest of our punishments. He would be brought to the shed tied with his arms extended above his head and paddled hard until his ass was on fire. Then, he would be required masturbate to completion into a shot glass, drink it (he's always required to consume whatever cum he produces), be tied back in the same position and then receive the same whipping again. Then he'd be left to contemplate his behavior for 30 minutes before being let down. I've only had to do this on 3 occasions in the past and each time, it fixed his problem.

    1. Um, oh boy ................ that's scary. yes I do get it. I get it very well and although there are no excuses, there are reason that things happen. I accept my punishment gladly because i know it is something that I have earned. the pain of the punishment is bad, but knowing that I have disappointed Mistress K. in any way is the worst part. As for consuming my cum, it is not something Mistress K. likes the thought, and for that I am thankful.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I really do appreciate it when readers take the time to comment.

    2. scary? i do hope that your loving marriage continues to progress to a point when you would look upon such a punishment routine as normal rather than scary. if the two of you believe in what you are doing, that's where your headed. i play-paddled for years before getting serious like we are so very happily at now.

    3. No reason to be. Your tears, your lingering pain when you sit, your bruises will all become a natural and welcome part of your life. Don't fret little subhub. My own subhub was the same way

    4. Oh boy. Anonymous, I am nervous and excited about the future. Thank you for commenting. I do wish you would consider revealing your self. We're all friendly around here and I do love to get advice and to hear from like-minded people. Thank you again for commenting.

  4. If it helps any.. I have quite the punishment session heading my way soon here. And I definitely deserve it. Ee. Post coming soon about it.

    Hugs! xx

    1. Do tell! What did you do ... or fail to do? Will there be pictures? I want to see pictures. Everyone has seen my paddled red ass, I'm sure everyone would love to see yours too. *smile

      Seriously, good luck on enduring your punishment.

    2. Cursing - more than once.. sigh.. and I let a bad day/frustrated mood get to me, and was a bit... grumpy. Not downright disrespectful directly to Him or anything - but I think the term attitude adjustment was used. x_x

      We've been so trying to get a decent after picture.. He actually just made a post, where He refers to me as Iron butt. o.O lol. Have any input on it, maybe? It's over here.....

      P.S You do have quite the nice bum,btw. :)

    3. I did comment on it but holy shit, how can someone take that many spanks of not be ....... marked? Amazing. Maybe he should get your ass wet (and keep it wet) before and during your spanking? A thin paddle might also help.

      *blushing about your comment about my ass. Mistress thinks so too!

    4. I have no idea... I used to mark nicely! And I so love the marks, and the reminders after.

      Hm, that may be an idea - a wet bum. I know in the past He has before sprayed my bum down *once or twice with alcohol spray even* half way through. But I will still marking well back then. Maybe there is something to that!

      You are such a good sub to your Mistress. :) I bet, even when you do get in trouble, she is proud that you are hers. :) Does she ever comment anywhere - or blog anywhere? :)

    5. She has mostly limited herself to observing here and will occasionally comment on rare occasions. I wish she was able to participate more because she really wants. She is a busy mom and doesn't know how to navigate blogs around to well, so she feels a little intimidated. She is a contributing author to this blog and has only blogged one post so far, I think.

      She accepts emails from people. I know that she has been contacted by Mistress Marie and Mistress Angie and they have exchanged a few pleasantries. Feel free to do the same if you are so inclined. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.

  5. Its funnyi knew where that post was headed as you were saying you were immersed in your work. Lol. Its cute how you know you need the regular punishments but yet panic over getting them. I love that aspect of the dynamic. I don't think you ever misbehave on purpose tho. The fact is slaves and subs are not robots. They make mistakes. I wouldn't want David to be a robot. You do have a career outside the home, providing for your Mistress and kids. It might be easier to never make mistakes if the only thing you had to do in life is serve her but that isn't reality. Its very obvious how you adore your wife and I'm sure you will always be striving to be the best you can be, even if not perfect.

    1. So honored to have you back commenting Mistress Marie. Thank you.

      The dynamic of needing, craving the correction while suddenly dreading it immediately preceding the spankings (especially now since Mistress has "turned up the volume") is incredible.

      I appreciate your supportive words about how we are not robots. We aren't and like you, I don't believe Mistress K. expects robotic perfection. That being said, forgetting the fucking coffee? Seriously? Forgetting to be naked when she arrives home alone? Seriously? I try, I really do.


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