Saturday, August 29, 2020

Chastity - Caged or uncaged, it's a powerful force

In my last blog entry I spoke about a blog that I came across that I really enjoy.  The basics theme of the blog has to do with the real benefits that a couple gets when they live a life wherein the woman is the dominant and the man is submissive, and when the man gives control over his penis, sexual activity and orgasms to the woman in his life.  The benefits for real, long lasting and allow for the man and woman to life a deeply loving and long existence together.

In the beginning of our relationship, Mistress K. had me wear a chastity cage whereas now, I am in complete chastity without the use of a cage.  I'm on the honor system and so far (knock on wood) it has worked.  My ability to refrain from engaging in any unauthorized sexual activity without the use of a cage is something I am very proud of, and something that Mistress K. very proud of me.  We still have the cage, but now Mistress K. will only make me wear as punishment if she is especially disappointed in my behavior.  

Mistress K. and I believe in it so much that we used it as the basis for subtle decorating ideas in our bedroom.  This is a picture of what it looks like directly above the headboard of our bed.  

Clearly the one on the far left need to be straightened.  I'll get right on that.  Every night when I go to bed, I find myself taking a glance at these lock and keys knowing what they represent in my marriage.  I guess its a more subtle way of having the tradition that Notre Dame Football players have when they leave the locker for the field of play.

Maybe it's time to be less subtle and start tapping the pictures before I go sleep every night. 

Nonetheless, enforced chastity of the husband, in whatever form works for you, is an amazing thing.  Something which those that aren't familiar have a hard time understanding why ... until they have the opportunity to either learn more about how it works and why, experience it first, or both. I encourage every man and woman to consider it and to arm yourself with thoughtful, meaningful information about it.  Such as in this blog

Thursday, August 27, 2020

New Blog (for me) discovered

 Several days ago I came across a tremendous new blog called Evolving Your Man.

It is hosted by a wonderful woman named Emma and I highly recommend it because it is intelligent, very well written and the "members" (free) that participate are all marvelous and wonderful contributors.  It's NOT a porn-fueled blog with racy, detailed, intimate of sex and kinky adventures.  It IS a wonderful resource for those of us that are living, loving and learning the amazing benefits of the orgasm controlled male through chastity (caged or honor system) and is loaded with meaningful, intellectual and amazing content.  

I HIGHLY recommend you take a look and do what I am doing ... discovering it from soup to nuts.  If you do take a look and happen to like it enough to register (its free, really free), please be kind enough to let her know that I sent you.

Discovered something new

 I have rules and am expected adhere to those rules.  Among them, I am to have a fresh cup of iced water in Mistress K's Yeti cup on her nightstand when she comes to bed every night.  Last night ... it didn't happen.  "You will be punished in the morning" was all she said as she climbed into bed with whatever cool water was left over from the night before.

This morning I was punished and although forgetting the ice water is not usually considered a serious infraction, I got particularly hard spanking.  HARD I tell ya.  As you may know know, every morning after Mistress emerges from the bathroom, all made up and ready to go to the office, she informs me that she is ready to get dressed which is my cue that I am follow her into the closet, kneel before her gorgeous naked body and pull the panties she hands up her legs and into position.  It's the favorite part of her day.  On this particular morning, as I was about to get up, she held me on me knees with a firm hand on my shoulders and said "pull your pants down".  Then she told me to hand her her favorite paddle and from a standing position with me kneeling right in front of her nearly naked body, she proceeded to really redden my exposed ass.  Harder strokes and for a longer time was what was in store for me.  Did I mentioned that it really hurt.  

The thing that I discovered?  A really hard spanking does a much better job of centering me, clearing my deck, putting my feet back on the ground ... than a regular run-of-the-mill. less severe spanking.  As I walked Mistress K to her car, handed her a fresh cup of coffee for her drive, I thanked her for my spanking and let her know of what I discovered.  She smiled and said  "That's really good to know.  Expect more and harder from now on"

I truly love this woman!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

I vowed to never let it happen ... but it did

 Hi again everyone.  Two days in a row?  What the hell is going on on?  *smile

In my post yesterday I told you how I committed one of the most serious offenses in our marriage.  Ejaculating without permission.  In the very beginning of our FLM lifestyle, it was made very clear that every aspect of sex for me was to be controlled by Mistress K.  EVERY. ASPECT.  Example ... I am not allowed to touch myself sexually in way, shape or form without permission from Mistress K, and usually under her direct supervision.  Obviously I also need her permission to full-on orgasm and yes, even to merely ejaculate without orgasm (ruined orgasm).  

These paricular aspects of our relationship have been deemed VERY, VERY, VERY important and if I were to violate these particular rules, it would be akin to stealing from Mistress K., since my sexual pleasure belongs to her, and I am only allowed to have sexual pleasure when she determines I am worthy.  The semen that exists in my body also belongs to her and it must stay in my body until i have permission or have been given instructions for it to leave my body.

Well sadly, I was unable to contain my semen from the rigorous teasing and denial I was given (see last post), coupled with the incredible vision of my beloved Mistress giving herself orgasms while kneeling between her wide open legs, then being told to put my cock inside of her glorious, beautiful, freshly shaved smooth pussy, then being required to complete 10 thrusts without ejaculating.  I just simply couldn't.  That was 2 days ago.

Yesterday, at 5:30 am, before the kids got up, Mistress K. summoned me to the bedroom closet, quickly and sternly told me to "get naked" and get on all fours on the floor.  She then proceeded to redden my bottom good and red with her two favorite leather paddles.  Of course this spanking was particularly more painful than other spankings I receive because of the severity of the infraction.  It hurt, and it hurt for many hours afterward.  When she got tired of bending over to spank me, she sat on my back, crossed her legs and continued.  Ouchy!

Of course it was deserved and when it was over, Mistress K. allowed me to kneel in front of her and hug for after care, while I profusely apologized for violating one of her most sacred rules.  She forgave me and excused me from spanking room (closet).  All fixed and over with.

When it was all said and done, I was thankful not only for my beautiful Mistress Wife correcting my disappointing behavior, but also that she did not make me wear my chastity cage, which she often will for serious offenses.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope to connect with you again soon.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Hello friends ... I've missed you

Hello friends.  I hope all of you are happy, safe and enjoying yourselves to the extent you can.  I haven't been able to post since last December.  Clearly there has been much going on (it's in all the papers) and for whatever it may be worth to you .... all is well is Mistress K/subhubphx's world ... considering.

For the most part, the entire family has been living together, in close proximity for the past 4 months.  We have just recently ventured out into the real world again as things seems to be "normalizing" (whatever that means somewhat.  Mistress K is still my beloved Mistress Wife and she is still relishing in her role as owner, Dominant and Mistress to her devoted and loving husband.  There hasn't been as much opportunity for us to indulge in the physical aspects of out FLM dynamic, what with the kids always home and all, but the spirit of our devotion and love for each other hasn't waned one bit. 

I do miss sharing O/our experiences with the world and hope to resume doing so on a regular, recurring basis.  I do have a short story to share with you, and in a subsequent post, the ramifications of my failure as a result.

A week or so ago, Mistress K was lying in bed when I entered the bedroom with tall thermos of ice water I am expected to have for her on her nightstand each night.  She was "internetting" and paid me no attention whatsoever.  I went to my side of the bed, removed my clothes, asked for permission to enter her bed then slid under the sheets ... tired and ready to doze.  Mistress had other ideas.

She put her iPad to the side, rolled onto her tummy and said "soft kisses and light bites please".  She likes soft bites, especially when then turn into harder and harder bites.  Even though I was tired and ready to sleep immediately, I dutifully moved to my knees and hovered over her naked and immediately began the process of worshipping her with my soft kisses all over her body.  She loves those.  "Bites" was heard and I immediately knew to place small bites on the familiar places on her body that I know she likes.  As time went on, she insisted that the intensity of the bites increase until I was placed well defined teeth marks in her beautiful, white, freckled skin.  "Stop" she said and rolled onto her side to rub my steel-hard cock, teasing me very skillfully to the very edge of orgasm when of course she stopped.  She rolled back to her tummy for me to resume my biting.  Occasionally she would have me stop biting her so she could edge me several more times, to the point that my balls ached so wonderfully.

Mistress emphatically informed that I would NOT be cumming or ejaculating on this night, to which I replied ... "Yes Mistress.  Thank you Mistress".  When Mistress K. was ready for her orgasm, she had me retrieve her wand vibrator as she rolled onto her back.  She had me kneel between her open legs so I could get a good view of her while she made love to herself.  As her orgasm was building, she instructed me to enter gloriously smooth pussy with my very hard, very eager very trigger-happy cock,  Mistress loves the feeling of a cock inside when cums with her vibrator.  After all the edging, and with the incredibly sexy view in front of me, it was all I could do to keep from coming.  Mistress had 3 glorious orgasms and somehow I was able to avoid cumming through all of it.  When she was done, and before I was allowed to remove my cock from her glorious pussy, she informed that I was not allowed to remove until I was able to thrust inside of her 10 times without cumming.  I am always allowed to take as much time as I need to accomplish this because my beautiful, loving and caring Mistress Wife knows how easy it is to have an accident after all of that teasing and visual stimulation.

Well, I was careless and cavalier on my 10th thrust and although I was allowed permission to remove my cock from her pussy, I couldn't refrain from ejaculating all over Mistress K's beautiful, flat white, freckled tummy.  I was absolutely horrified and when realized what I had done, she was none to pleased that would allow myself to ejaculate without permission, especially after being specifically told that I would not be cumming or ejaculating that night.  It happened, and you may or may not know that this is something very sacred in our relationship.  Mistress K. very much believes in semen retention and orgasm control.  In that my orgasms, my sex, my semen, all belong to her ... if I violate this sacrted condition in our relationship .... well, let's just say it is akin to stealing, which of course is a bad thing.  But .... it happened, and I felt just awful that I disappointed my Mistress in this particular way.

With a scowl on her face and in avery disappointing tone she simply said ..... "We will deal with is problem soon".  With that she rolled over and pulled the covers up over her naked body.  "Go to sleep" was the last thing she said to me that night  ................

I laid awake in bed for hours regretting what I had done.